All donations are tax deductible

Gamble Rogers and North Peninsula State Parks are designated as state index nesting beaches and data collected is analyzed to evaluate population trends and determine management strategies. As such, support for the Sea Turtle Monitoring Program and the volunteer Turtle Patrol including: ATVs, supplies, training, certifications and related education programs is a primary funding priority for FROGRs.
In 2018 the sale of sponsorships resulted in $1,000 for the Turtle Patrol. While the sponsorship program does not entitle access to view a sea turtle, nest cleanings or hatchling emergences, nests are clearly staked and sea turtle sightings at Gamble Rogers and North Peninsula State Parks, while not common, are reported every year by folks visiting our beaches during nesting season.
With a $25 FROGRS Sea Turtle Program Sponsorship you will receive a plush sea turtle with your color choice of hoodie (blue, pink, green, red or purple) and packet that will include an attractive photo of a sea turtle on our beach, information and facts on the sea turtle species that call Florida home and other sea turtle handouts. Additional plush sea turtles may be purchased for $15 each. As a Sea Turtle Program sponsor you will also receive nesting updates through the season and an end of year report summarizing the Sea Turtle season’s results.
To purchase a Sea Turtle Sponsorship Package, please visit the Ranger Station at Gamble Rogers State Park. Payment by cash or check only.
For an additional donation of $30, sponsors will receive a one-year FROGRS membership which entitles the sponsor and up to 7 others in the vehicle to 12 free entrances into Gamble Rogers State Park ($60 value), notice of upcoming park programs, and special access to limited members’ programs and events throughout the year.